
Welcome back fresh salsa!  Oh how we love to have you in our house each summer!

The garden tomatoes are ripe and jalapenos are ready to pick.  Perhaps next year we will plant some red onions, too.  I so look forward to being able to walk out to the garden and bring in a bowl full of tomatoes, because then I know it's time for SALSA!!!  This is a recipe I found online at that has been adjusted for our family.  The kids and I are mild salsa fans but my hubby loves a bit more heat so I save some of the seeds and inner jalapeno for him to add to his bowl.

On a little side note...
This summer I learned that their is slavery happening here in the US in our tomato fields!!!  I don't understand how this can be allowed here in our country.  International Justice Mission (IJM) has started a campaign this summer to ask local grocery stores to join the Fair Food Program.  This is an excerpt from their website...

Slavery is not just happening overseas. In the past 15 years, over 1,000 people have been freed from slavery in U.S. tomato fields. Chief assistant U.S. attorney Douglas Molloy once called Florida’s tomato fields “ground zero” for modern-day slavery in the United States.

But we have a Recipe for Change. The Fair Food Program, developed by tomato pickers themselves through the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, establishes a zero tolerance policy for slavery, child labor and serious sexual harassment on Florida’s tomato farms.

Help end modern-day slavery in U.S. tomato fields: Join us in asking the CEOs of major supermarket chains Publix, Ahold (owners of Stop & Shop, Giant and Martin’s) and Kroger to endorse the Fair Food Program, ensuring the tomatoes you buy are slave-free.

So please join me in taking just a short minute to sign this petition and help end modern-day slavery in the U.S. tomato fields.   As of June 2012, the only supermarket chains that sold slave free tomatoes were Whole Foods and Trader Joes.

Each week Recipe for Change features a guest contributor's favorite tomato recipe to help bring awareness to this issue.  One of this week's recipes is from my favorite singer/songwriter, Sara Groves.  She shares her family recipe for Tomato Pie.  Check it out! You could easily adapt it to be gluten and egg free.  If you need help, just let me know.

And now, back to the Salsa...

6 tomatoes, chopped (or 8 romas)
1 c red onion, finely diced
1 jalapeno, finely diced (do not add the inner part or seeds unless you like it spicy!)
3/4 - 1 c cilantro, chopped
1 - 1 1/2 t salt
1 t sugar
4 t lime juice

1.  Place chopped tomatoes in a strainer for 5-10 minutes to get rid of extra juices.
2.  In a medium bowl, stir together all ingredients and chill before serving.  ENJOY!

Thank you Allergy Friendly Friday, Allergy Free Wednesdays , Tasteful Tuesdays and Gluten Free Fridays for letting me share this recipe with your readers!


Welcome to Hopes Kitchen. I hope you find these recipes helpful. Our family eats free of gluten, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, kiwi and artificial food coloring due to food allergies. I would like to share with you what I've learned over the years to help you on your journey and help you find some hope again in your kitchen.